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Ishwar and Maya

As per BharamSutra, 1.01.02 "जनमादय अस्य यतः " "janmādy asya yataḥ" and the Bhagwat MayaPuran is also started with this Sutra. It is one of the best sutra or text which describs Ishwar. It means He, who is the Creator (Janm) of all Creations (Living bodies as well as non living bodies in Universe/ jagat) and "Aady" means "Et ceterai" i.e. every thing after Jagat came in existence such as its growth, evolution, well being, food, as well as destruction of all Jagat. Here The Maya is the Ingredients, used by Ishwar to make and birth of all the Creations.

For example,

Maya is the Clay and Ishwar is the Potter. We can see, feel, hold the ClayPot but can not find any Potter in it. Presence of ClayPot is the evidence that some maker or potter is there who desired to make it, had idea of design, had knowledge how to make it and he worked for making it. Without potter, ClayPot can not be existed or came into existence.

Maya is the Gold and Ishwar is Goldsmith. We can see, feel, wear the Gold Ring but can not find Goldsmith in it. The Presence of Gold Ring is the evidence that some maker or GoldSmith is there who desired to make it, had idea of design, had knowledge how to make it and he worked for making it. Without GodSmith, Golditem can not be existed or came into existence.

The Clay and the Gold, are known as Upadaan Karan i.e.  INGREDIENT i.e. Raw Material of the Product and in the product there is nothing else except the Upadaan Karan or Ingredient. The Potter and Goldsmith are known as Nimitt Karan or Cause Cause. The Nimitt Karan, have desire or idea of item, knowledge to making or creating the item or product and Nimitt Karan has the power to work, without these three essential qualities nothing can be made. If a person has desire of product, and also have knowledge to make it, but he does not work, then the Product can not be made. If a person has desire of product and also ready to work, but no knowledge of making it, then too the product can not be made. If a person has knowledge of making a product and also can work to make it, but do not have any desire to make it, then too the product can not be made.

In  Jagat, all forms of  life and Celestial bodies, came into existence, must have some maker or potter. Who desired to make it, have knowledge  to make it and  worked to make it, hence all this Nature which we are seeing, feeling, listening, smelling and tasting came in to existence, including all form of life here or anywhere it is existing.

Maya is the Upadaan Karan i.e. ingredient of  all Jagat/ Universe i.e. all forms of  life and Celestial bodies etc., and Ishwar is omnipresent and doing the work of creation, with all powers and knowledge. The Roll of Ishwas is known as Nimitt Karan or maker and maintainer of all Jagat and livable bodies/ entities. We can see, feel, live it, with a sense, as we are the doers and we are maker and give birth to our children, the reality is that, only Ishwar has this Gyan how to make it, and maintain it, we can just breath, eat and drink, rest is done by the Creator by digesting the food, spreading Pran i.e. LifeAir in body, and maintaining flow of life liquid in it.

Presence of all living entity giving us undeniable Gyan that some maker or creator is existing, else how an egg can create one Bird in it, the Ishwer, does it, and he is present in the Egg too,  neither the bird made itself, nor the EGG worked to make it. The same is that one plant, which can not hold any knowledge  to produce Leafs, flower, as the plant do not the leafs should be green or red and flower should be Red or Blue, it should be, for example, Rose and should have taste as Rose and smell as Rose.

Maya, is Jad (clay type), can not do any thing yet the world is made from that, and Ishwar has nothing in world, but made by him. Maya can not have any knowledge, desire and can not do any work too, Ishwar have all the knowledge how to create and what to create, Ishwar can desire to create or not to create and only Ishwar can do or work for making the universe as we see and live, including us.

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